Archive for the 'Advice' Category


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Sunday Thoughts

Hi EAv-ers,

As those of you who follow my scribbles know, I am short on advice, long on fun & games.  However, I’ve decided to give advice a try.

Recently, there have been many issues surrounding gameplay and ethics.  First, it’s a social game & social games abide by certain rules:

Rule #1: Don’t be a dick – For instance, don’t teabag or spawn kill during FPS multiplayer games.  EAv has it’s own list of informal rules, mainly: a) Don’t team sell, b) Don’t dump shares.  Now, a) is addressed here in brutal detail; b) has been fixed, mostly.  Breaking these social norms has consequences & there is nothing that I can really say or do to help.

Rule #2: Be friendly – RTing, saying “thanks” for buys, and, commenting upon each others content is part of the game.  Again, failure to do so will usually not yield desirable results (not my choice).

Rule #3: (and I don’t necessarily love this rule) Follow the Leader – Gamers do what successful gamers do.  Successful gamers in EAv’s case seem to be the Leaderboard folk.

So, why am I breaking down these rules?  To try to determine where we’re going.  I’ve been playing for months.  I’ve had the 12e stock excitement, the 3-4 point drop desperation, and, recently, the 60e/59e shimmy.  I’ve managed to build relationships and friendships with many players.  I’m sure that I’ve also burned a few bridges (many apologies).

I guess that maybe this won’t contain any advice…  I prefer to simply give you this statement:  I plan to play by rule #1 & #2 so that you may play by #3.

Have fun and I’ll see you on the Avenue


EAv Tip: Ratings

We all know that rating each other’s content helps the ratee, but what does it do for the rater? I’ve compiled three reasons for you new folks to do so.

The key to these three achievements is to rate other people’s content. Rating is as simple as clicking the thumbs up or thumbs down (within red square below):

The benchmarks for these achievements are 10, 100, 500. 500 seems like a lot, but it shouldn’t take too long if you are regularly rating when folks buy your stocks or comment on your content.

et voila, your achievements:
After 10:

After 100:

After 500:

Enjoy having another 700e!

Stay tuned for more EAv Tips! And remember, e(COLEAG) is always a good bet!


EAv Tip: Interests & Brands

When you’re just getting started Eaves are tight! Buying into 40+ stocks can quickly cut deeply into your small initial bankroll. Getting buybacks when your stock is at 10 doesn’t quite help, does it?

Today’s EAv Tip is a quick and painless way to get 1050 eaves in minutes. In doing so, you will also score 6 achievements (w00t). So, lets get started:

First, go to your profile ( on the quickbar at the bottom of your screen OR at the top)

Next, lets scroll to the bottom of the page, where we’ll find your interests and brands. Lets start by adding some interests. I’ve prepared some for you, but feel free to prepare your own list, just remember to separate each item with a comma.
Copy and paste the list below (or your custom list) into the text box:

LIST: e(COLEAG), Empire Avenue, Empire Building Network, EBN, EAv, coffee, beer, wine, tea, koolaid, running, jogging, working out, gym, fitness, PS3, XBOX, Wii, Atari, PC,Apple, iPod, iPhone, Blackberry, Android,e(RZR), e(REIGN), e(21GUNS), e(COREYT), e(HMMM),Phoenix, Two Door Cinema Club, The Temper Trap, Metric, Ra Ra Riot, Ottawa Senators, Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto FC, Saskatchewan Rough Riders, Chelsea FC,Chuck, Castle, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Burn Notice,, #EBN, #EAv, #TT, Ticker Tuesday

Next, lets add some brands. As with interests, I’ve prepared some brands for you, but feel free to prepare your own list, just remember to separate each item with a comma.

LIST: activision, apple, ati, belkin, benz, best buy, blockbuster, cbc, cbc radio1, cbc radio2, cbc radio3, Empire Avenue, adidas, LG, dell, disney, dodge, sony, facebook, fanta, ford, futureshop, harveys, hbc, huscvarna, intel, iphone, kingston, logitech, mcdonalds, mercedes, mgm, microsoft, nintendo, norton, nvidea, pasta shelf, pc, pizza pizza, little casears, sega, starbucks, subway, tacobell, twitter, ubisoft, universal, volkswagen, wendys, wordpress

All done? Wanna see what you get? You get five achievements:

Not bad for three minutes work, huh?

Stay tuned for more EAv Tips! And remember, e(COLEAG) is always a good bet!


Picks for July 26, 2010

COLEAG is on his way to the top! Actually, today’s pick is a shameless plug for myself!

Also, I should give a shout out to my sister, KEAGS, she’s trying to get the hang of this… But is out of computer range a lot.

As previously stated, I’ll be sending out new picks once EAv goes live later this week – see you then!


Will you pay to play?

I realize that this blog is all about picks – and if you want picks, here are a few -> RZR – William Pitcher, with his stable of bloggers on his clearinghouse website and an active twitter account he’s going to continue to gain share price – good luck getting any shares, though. He’s usually sold out – but if you contact me, we can coordinate a sell/buy (I’ve been salting shares away for a rainy day 😉
Or, CHARNS – Nick Charney, Nick’s actually a friend of a friend of mine from way back – but his numbers are solid between 25-30 and his job involves social media, so he’s not just playing, he’s working.

Ok, picks out of the way. Now, the reason that I’m reluctant to give out picks for the next few days is simple, real money. Yes, DUPS announcement (here) regarding the “live” launch comes with a supposition that the public launch will be coupled with the ability to “buy” eaves with real money. Quite simply, this changes everything – we’ll see new heavy hitters rolling in (pouring in?) with more eaves than we’ve seen to this point. Pricing obviously remains to be seen; however, as someone who sees this as a game first and foremost; Real cash is a game changer!

I’ll send picks after the switch – once I sit down in the lab and come up with new formulas (or dust off the dartboard…)

**Update** For another perspective on the “pay to play” model, check out Cory Tyhurst’s e(COREYT) post on, here & here


Inactivity… really, I’m not dead!

Hey folks,

I know that it’s been forever – and there’s been a lot going on on the home front, more on that as it develops – but I have some picks of a different kind today: other websites/blogs/folks. Like anyone, I get a lot of influence (get it?!) from folks that I read; so, I figured that I’d give you links to some of them.

Empire Building Network:
-This team has a lot of thoughtful posts about EAv; I’m really enjoying their insights!

General Zod’s Influencer Picks:
-Mostly it’s just a good idea to get exposure from the Zod “Army”, lots of cross-buying and following potential there! Zod hasn’t been as active lately, must be something personal afoot.

Thats enough of my secrets for now. But I’ll try to get back into providing you with picks – especially in the wake of yesterday’s changes (see here)

Cheers all,



May 17 – Reflections on a week’s EA

So, it’s been just over a week since my foray into EA began. I have a few refelctions:

1. I’m not fully sure about the Dividend payouts or stock “market” indicators. But one thing seems to be plainly clear: buy low, sell high(er). A great way to see growth seems to be to find and buy as soon as possible when a person joins and then wait to see where that gets you. Case in point: Jesse Brooks (JVAUBR). I was lucky enough to stumble upon JVAUBR two days ago at 11.722 and he’s now trading at 18.172. On the otherside, I thought that Melissa Barkman (BARK) would be a great buy at 10.4774 days ago and she’s currently trading at 9.239 (I’m waiting for a rebound). Seems that watching for changes daily might be the goal.

2. Buying up high performers on Sunday/Monday might yield profits as their activity seems to wane on a weekend. This way, we can get them low and sell them back Wed/Thurs when they rebound.

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